For more than 40 years, Family Features has worked with brands and their agencies to create and deliver relevant, timely content to consumers through print, digital and social media channels. Our average project generates more than 800 placements to help extend the reach of each client’s campaign via high-quality placements with detailed reporting and tracking.
Our creative and content delivery teams work with brands and agencies to develop and/or fine-tune branded content to maximize placements and impressions. The final materials are crafted by our in-house production team to deliver key messages.
Our team distributes and promotes branded content to our network of more than 4,000 digital, print (newspaper and magazine) and social media outlets.
Track your guaranteed placements and engagements in real-time using our industry-leading reporting site.
The term “mat release” dates back to the 1950s and was originally a camera-ready, typeset, black and white article featuring a photo. The term comes from a time when newspapers were physically laid out and formatted. The process is electronic now, but the name remains the same.
Today’s mat release is generally a ready-to-publish, consumer-oriented article with associated images that newspapers, magazines and websites use to supplement their in-house content.